Dietary Tips to Manage Ulcerative Colitis

Dietary Tips to Manage Ulcerative Colitis

The modern lifestyle has forced people to live at a fast pace. This, in turn, has led to the development of unhealthy food habits. As a result, our digestive system is severely affected due to unhealthy lifestyle choices, and this has caused several health ailments and digestive issues to flare up. It leads to a condition called ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease that causes severe inflammation and ulcers to develop in the digestive tract.

Following a healthy diet and avoiding certain foods help combat the effects of this uncomfortable condition that affects the lining of the colon and rectum.

Consume fish and lean meats
In general, fatty foods increase the intensity of inflammation. However, there are good and healthy sources of fats that fight inflammation. Foods like fishes, skinless chicken, and lean meats like turkey instead of red meat are excellent sources of proteins, including omega-3 fatty acids that soothe inflammation of the colon and prevent it from forming again.

Olive oil and olive
Olive tree’s fruits and leaves contain substances that are rich sources of antioxidants. These substances are proven to be anti-inflammatory and are excellent in fighting inflammation of the colon and GI tract. Olives are also good for your heart.

Flare-up like ulcerative colitis can be reduced and soothed by consuming a high-fiber diet like oatmeal. While high fiber is believed to increase bowel movement and trigger a flare-up, oats, when prepared with simple ingredients, can prevent inflammation.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol
If you can’t avoid it completely, at least reduce the intake of caffeine and alcohol to a significant extent to see any improvement in colon flare-ups. These items irritate the GI tract and can be detrimental to your colon’s health.

Reduce or avoid processed foods
Processed foods contain emulsifiers that increase the shelf life of these foods. However, they are artificial ingredients that cause inflammation in the gut and cause other GI health issues. Foods that contain artificial sweeteners and artificially-flavored sugar-free foods should be avoided.

Consume foods rich in probiotics
To maintain healthy gut bacteria and avoid a flare-up, consuming foods rich in probiotics, like yogurt, are recommended. Likewise, fermented foods like kombucha and Kefir are also excellent sources of probiotics.

Avoid dairy products
Dairy products are the most common triggers of gut inflammation and ulcerative colitis. Dairy products cause excessive gas buildup, cramping, and diarrhea. They cause a significant increase in flare-ups, and it’s advisable to switch to dairy-free products.

Eat cooked vegetables
Raw fruits and vegetables are always hard to digest and lead to excessive bloating, gas, and stomach cramps during a flare-up. Always consume peeled fruits and also consume cooked fruits and vegetables.

Eat eggs
Eggs are a great source of protein and can be a safe food option during a flare-up. Make sure to consume eggs that are fortified with omega-3 fatty acids that help fight inflammation. Even normal whole eggs are a great choice to consume and soothe the effects of inflammation.

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