Dietary Tips To Lower Cholesterol Levels

Dietary Tips To Lower Cholesterol Levels

If you have high cholesterol levels, tweaking your diet, adopting heart-healthy lifestyle changes, monitoring your weight, and exercising regularly, can help you keep cholesterol in check. To help you, here are ten effective diet and nutrition tips for patients with high cholesterol.

  1. Fiber-rich foods: One of the easiest ways to bring down cholesterol is by eating foods rich in fibers. Foods like legumes, beans, apples, citrus fruits, and whole grains are rich sources of fiber. Soluble fiber prevents bile re-absorption in the stomach and flushes it out from the body, causing the body to starts absorbing cholesterol from the blood, reducing cholesterol levels.
  2. Vegetables: Vegetables and fruits provide antioxidants to the body, preventing plaque formation in arteries and oxidization of LDL cholesterol. Include four servings of veggies and fruits every day to reduce bad cholesterol levels.
  3. Herbs: Spices and herbs provide the body with the necessary amount of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Turmeric, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, oregano, cilantro, marjoram, and dill can effectively lower cholesterol.
  4. Fatty fish: Canned or fresh fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, mackerel, and herring, can keep LDL levels in check and lower risks of heart attacks.
  5. Reduce salt intake: One of the best nutritional tips for patients with high cholesterol is reducing salt intake. This includes salt from cooked dishes and processed foods. Cutting down salt reduces the risks of heart problems by keeping blood pressure levels in check.
  6. Limit alcohol: Drinking excessively can cause unwanted weight gain. Obesity reduces good cholesterol levels and elevates bad cholesterol levels.
  7. Healthy fats: Patients with high cholesterol need to cut down on both saturated and trans fats. Only about 25% of daily calorie intake must be from dietary fats. Saturated fats raise LDL levels and are found in processed meats, chocolate, baked products, dairy foods, and fried or processed foods. Trans fats are present in hydrogenated oils and fats like margarine and French fries. Eliminate these foods and consume healthy fats from avocado, seeds, nuts, and unsaturated oils like olive and canola oil.
  8. Avoid added sugars: Avoid foods containing added sugar such as drinks rich in fructose-rich corn syrup as it can increase cholesterol levels. The next time you shop, read the ingredients label for added sugar content before buying food products.
  9. Mediterranean diet: One of the leading nutritional tips for patients with high cholesterol is sticking to a Mediterranean diet plan that focuses on eating nuts, veggies, fish, whole grains with a low amount of dairy foods, and red meats. The plan comprises of cholesterol-lowering foods and avoiding high-cholesterol foods.
  10. Add soyfoods: Consuming protein-rich soy foods such as soy milk and soybeans can significantly lower cholesterol levels.
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